Thursday, September 2, 2010

A letter to my daughter

Dear Isabella-

I am writing you this letter knowing that you probably won't read it for years. That's ok.

I need you to know how special you are to me. I am so proud of the little girl that you have become and know that you will be a success in first grade. I know that you will make many wonderful friendships, learn lots of new things and will gain even more confidence in yourself. I look forward to the afternoons, when you get home, and hearing all about your day. I look forward to the smiles on your face each morning as you get ready to catch the bus, full of excitement for the day ahead.

I feel all this happiness but if I were to be completely honest with both you and myself, it is bittersweet. I ache so much for the little baby I held in my arms. I look at pictures of you as a chubby toddler and wonder when you lost your baby fat and grew so tall. I wish that you were still a preschooler and that all you needed to learn could be taught by me. It's so hard to have you gone all day; I find myself often opening the door to your room, sitting down on your bed and hugging "Paulie the Penguin" wishing that it were you.

I think it is realizing that my role as your mom is changing. And it won't stop changing. I wish that I could slow down time and maybe even go back and do things differently. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. You made me a mom and that's a gift that no one else could ever top.

My hope for you is that you will have a beautiful life. I hope you always remember what is important and who you are. I hope you never compromise yourself and your beliefs for anyone else. And I hope that you achieve everything that you set your mind to. I will be there every step of the way to help you get there and to "slay" any "dragons" that stand in your way.

You are only six years old and you are the most beautiful, wisest, loving person I know. I am honored to have you as my daughter.

I am your mother forever and I love you.

xoxo Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written! It must be the time of year because I have been writing a post just like this in my head and need time to get it on "paper". I have been so emotional about it that I was in tears laying with Ben at 4 this morning thinking about it!
