Yesterday at Target, we bought a potty for Vinny. While I have no real expectations about potty training, I decided that I at least wanted to introduce him to the potty. He will be 18 months in August and that was the same time that I began potty training with Isabella.
So this morning when he got up, I put him on the potty. I do have it in the living room so that he isn't alone in the bathroom (that could lead to a disaster!) and he was just watching Mickey Mouse. At one point he started to clap his hands which I didn't think too much of as he often does that randomly throughout the day. After about 15 minutes, he stood up and proceeded to pee all over the floor. Great.
So I got some paper towels and started to clean that up when I saw something else...
(Disclaimer: Do not scroll down if you can't appreciate a baby's BM!)

Yay!!! He was obviously clapping his hands because of this and I missed it! So proud of my little weasel! : )