Friday, June 25, 2010


So Vinny woke up with a fever Sunday morning that just didn't seem to want to go away. By Monday afternoon, I called the pediatrician's office to let them know what was going on. The nurse told me that she thought it was probably roseola and that we would see a rash on him in the morning. Well he woke up Tuesday and Wednesday mornings with no rashes. So I thought we were probably out of the woods.
Yesterday morning he woke up covered head to toe!! And it was like the hottest/stickiest day all summer and the rash just got worse! I think the kid got like three or four "tubbies" but was so uncomfortable!
Luckily this morning he woke up looking a little better. Poor Vinny! At least he is still smiling!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First Blog Post!

I have decided to start a blog.

I have realized that my children's childhoods are passing me by so quickly and I need a way to document these precious moments. I can't believe that Isabella has already finished her year in kindergarten. Next year she will be in school for a full day and the thought of that hurts. I remember carrying her inside me and thinking that this day would never come and here it is. I will truly miss her company. And upon holding a friend's baby last night, I realized that Vinny is truly no longer a baby. Yes he may still act like one at times, but my little boy is now a toddler and I am amazed at where that time went as well.

So here is where I am. I hope that for any of you that do read my blog, that you enjoy whatever little "stories" I have to share. But my biggest hope is that my children will one day read this and realize that despite all the mistakes that I made as a mother, that I have and will always love them.